Corporate Social Responsibility of NK Group
As a socially responsible corporate, NK Group has always undertaken
extensive CSR programs aimed at contributing to social uplift and
environmental upkeep. With the vision of enabling opportunities to improve
lives, the NK group drives its CSR activities in the domain of education,
ICT, Health and environment, etc. Being committed to addressing societal
needs, it has been implementing various outreach activities for all
categories of people across the country since its inception.
NK Group extends its hands towards the suffering humanity, especially the
limited income group through Nurul Khaleda Foundation. Since its
inception, Nurul Khaleda Foundation has been offering benefits to
underprivileged people of this country in different modalities.
NK Group pulls out its hand for the welfare of society by providing
supports in the development of education, healthcare, art, culture, sports,
and other creative fields.
Social responsibility is at the core of our business strategy. We believe
humanity can move forward only if we all focus on the welfare of society in
a united effort.